Interim Steering Committee
In 2018, the Stakeholders Group took significant steps towards creating an Interim Steering Committee to guide its work moving forward, including planning for an eventual election of a Board of Directors and creation of a sustainable organization (structure to be determined).
We sought candidates to fill nine positions created by the volunteer Recruitment Committee. The positions derived from our mission statement and subsequent discussions. Below are the nine positions proposed:
- Fundraising/Prospect Development Lead
- Outreach/Public
- Policy and Advocacy
- Co-op Engagement
- Partnership Engagement
- Governance/Organizer
- Inclusivity/Access
- Feasibility Research
- Training
Each position is expected to lead the Stakeholders Group in their designated area of focus, and supported by subcommittee members. Service on the Board is without remuneration. Specific descriptions and suggested tasks and qualifications are listed below, but all members should:
- Approach the work with the values of the Stakeholders Group, including an emphasis on inclusivity and equity, and a commitment to cooperatives
- A one year commitment, with the opportunity to extend for a longer-term (if Steering Committee chooses)
- Have leadership or management experience
- Spanish/English Preferred
The proposed selection process is as follows:
- The DC Cooperative Stakeholders Recruitment Committee and members will make recommendations for candidates.
- Broader Stakeholders Group will vote on recommendations.
Budget drafted with support from Philip Sambol